Touchless Faucets Sustainability

Touchless Faucets Sustainability

Technical Paper: FontanaShowers (2022)
Source: FontanaShowers Technical Paper

Study Overview

The 2022 technical paper by FontanaShowers focused on the sustainability benefits of touchless faucets. The study examined how touchless faucets contribute to water conservation, energy efficiency, and reduced carbon footprint in various commercial settings. The primary goal was to assess the overall sustainability impact of touchless faucet technology.


  • Sample Size: The study analyzed data from 20 commercial buildings, including office buildings, shopping malls, hospitals, schools, and airports.
  • Data Collection Period: Sustainability metrics were collected over a 12-month period before and after the installation of touchless faucets.
  • Measurement Tools: Water meters, energy meters, and carbon footprint calculators were used to measure water usage, energy consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions.



Low Maintenance

A high-traffic restroom faucet touchless featureThey are available in both electronic and sensor options. The best commercial touchless bathroom faucet is one that is durable, reliable, and provides high performance. These faucets are perfect for commercial setting are easy to use, and water-efficient. Some popular types of our commercial touchless faucets include wall-mount commercial sink faucets, counter-mount faucets, and touchless sensor faucets.



The analysis revealed significant sustainability benefits after the installation of touchless faucets. Key findings included:

  • Water Conservation: The study found an average reduction in water usage of 35% across all commercial settings.
  • Energy Efficiency: The reduction in water usage led to decreased energy consumption for water heating, averaging around 1750 kWh per month across all settings.
  • Carbon Footprint Reduction: The energy savings translated into a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, averaging 0.8 metric tons of CO2 per month.
  • Cost Savings: Substantial cost savings were observed, with an average of $350 per month saved on utility bills.

Detailed Statistical Data

Setting Water Usage Before (gallons/day) Water Usage After (gallons/day) Percentage Reduction in Water Usage (%) Energy Savings (kWh/month) Carbon Footprint Reduction (metric tons CO2/month) Cost Savings (USD/month)
Office Buildings 1,400 910 35 1400 0.7 280
Shopping Malls 1,900 1,235 35 1850 0.85 370
Hospitals 2,200 1,430 35 2100 1.0 420
Schools 1,600 1,040 35 1600 0.75 320
Airports 2,400 1,560 35 2100 1.0 360
Overall Average 1,900 1,235 35 1750 0.8 350

Key Observations

  • Water Conservation: The use of touchless faucets resulted in an average water savings of 35%, which is significant for sustainability efforts in commercial settings.
  • Energy Efficiency: The reduced water usage led to substantial energy savings, averaging 1750 kWh per month. This reduction in energy consumption is primarily due to the decreased demand for heated water.
  • Carbon Footprint Reduction: The energy savings translated into a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, averaging 0.8 metric tons of CO2 per month. This demonstrates the environmental benefits of adopting touchless technology.
  • Cost Savings: The combined water and energy savings resulted in substantial cost benefits, with an average monthly saving of $350 on utility bills. Hospitals and shopping malls saw the highest cost savings, reflecting their larger water and energy consumption.

Case Studies

  • Hospital Setting: One hospital reported a 35% reduction in water usage, leading to monthly energy savings of 2100 kWh, a reduction of 1.0 metric tons of CO2, and cost savings of $420. The facility manager noted that the initial investment in touchless technology was recouped within 9 months due to the significant utility savings.
  • Shopping Mall: A large shopping mall achieved a 35% reduction in water usage, saving 1850 kWh of energy, reducing carbon emissions by 0.85 metric tons of CO2, and saving $370 per month. The mall management highlighted the dual benefits of reduced utility costs and enhanced restroom hygiene.

Summary of Findings

The FontanaShowers technical paper demonstrated the substantial sustainability benefits of touchless faucets in commercial settings. By significantly reducing water usage, these faucets also decreased energy consumption for water heating, leading to lower greenhouse gas emissions and substantial cost savings.

These findings support the adoption of touchless technology as a key component of sustainability initiatives in commercial buildings. Investing in high-quality touchless faucets not only contributes to environmental conservation but also offers considerable financial savings for facilities.

The study emphasizes the value of integrating touchless faucets into modern restroom management practices, providing a compelling case for their widespread implementation to achieve sustainability goals and improve operational efficiency.


Question: How do touchless faucets enhance sustainability in water use? Answer: Touchless faucets contribute to sustainability by reducing water usage significantly. They are designed to provide water only when needed, automatically shutting off when not in use, which prevents unnecessary water wastage.

Question: What are the energy requirements for touchless faucets? Answer: Touchless faucets typically use very low amounts of energy, often powered by batteries or low-voltage power supplies. Some models incorporate energy-saving features like solar cells or motion-powered energy systems to further enhance their eco-friendliness.

Question: Can touchless faucets help buildings achieve LEED certification? Answer: Yes, installing touchless faucets can contribute to LEED points under the Water Efficiency category. By reducing total water usage, buildings can meet LEED requirements for sustainable water practices, which is essential for certification.

Question: Are the materials used in touchless faucets environmentally friendly? Answer: Many touchless faucets are made from eco-friendly materials such as recycled metals or low-impact composites. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on reducing environmental impact in the production process.

Question: How do touchless faucets compare to traditional faucets in terms of lifecycle sustainability? Answer: Touchless faucets often have a longer lifecycle due to fewer mechanical parts that wear out, reducing the need for replacements. Their ability to conserve water and energy also makes them more sustainable over time compared to traditional faucets.

Question: What innovations in touchless faucet technology promote sustainability? Answer: Recent innovations include advancements in sensor technology that increase accuracy and reduce false activations, further conserving water. Additionally, some touchless faucets are now designed with smart technology that monitors water usage and provides data to help manage resources more effectively.

Question: How do touchless faucets reduce the carbon footprint of a facility? Answer: By minimizing water wastage and requiring less energy for operation, touchless faucets help facilities lower their overall energy consumption and associated carbon emissions, contributing to a smaller carbon footprint.

Question: Can touchless faucets be part of a water reclamation system? Answer: Yes, touchless faucets can be integrated into water reclamation systems which reuse greywater for non-potable purposes, such as toilet flushing and irrigation, enhancing the overall sustainability of the facility.

Question: What role do touchless faucets play in sustainable urban development? Answer: In urban areas where water conservation is critical, touchless faucets provide an effective solution for managing water resources sustainably. They are particularly useful in public and commercial buildings, helping cities reduce overall water consumption.

Question: Are there any environmental certifications to look for when choosing touchless faucets? Answer: Look for touchless faucets that are certified by eco-friendly standards such as EPA’s WaterSense, which indicates the faucet meets strict criteria for water efficiency and environmental sustainability.